Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Teaching Letters..

I went and bought a package of these letters and numbers at Walmart, it was $5 but came with multiples of each and seemed like a good thing to start with. I could have made these letters myself, but I thought the sparkle and shine of these would grab my son's attention and trust me, he needs all the help with that, that he can get. I also thought the fact that these letters are different colors would help with continued color recognition, something he's pretty much mastered. So, basically our "schooling" has gone something like this,"What letter is that?" "What color is that letter?" "Where is the same letter?" And if my son feels like it, he answers. And that is how I am going about teaching letters and later numbers. For now, we are just doing A-C. Today was the first day I brought them out and Logan seemed excited to do "class" as he says, so hopefully this will continue to inspire him!

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