Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Home Organization or if you will, "Spring Cleaning."

This weekend left me to be honest, TIRED. We were on the go more than we had been in since our move. It was not bad, just busy doing family things and being social with others. Then, yesterday, surprise to my husband & the rest of us, he was off of work, so he came home and completely switched up our normal Monday routine. I know that is sounds bad that I was at all annoyed about him having time off, but my son and I are creatures of habit and things like (for my son) not getting a nap seem to be cause for a bad afternoon. Anyway, this week is a little more of doing, today, I am organzing thing and putting them up. I started on the 6th with a bookshelf and getting everything I could on it, but one wasn't enough and so we had to get another one. My husband is putting it together tonight and let me tell you I have loads of stuff to go on it. Wednesday involves Logan and I going to a friend's house. She is doing a yardsale and more than spending time with her, I am taking stuff over to sell at this sale with her. Thursday will be my final organizing day, and then Friday the husband has off again. We are not sure why, but we'll take an extended weekend any day. We might even get to go to the beach, which I personally would love and am ready for! Anyhow, my whole point is not a lot of schooling is going on this week, we're still potty-training, and it's going pretty well. Basically I will be posting links to organizing sites and a few articles I have found. I pray they help you in some way.

Blessings, Ashley

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