Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wow, what a hiatus!

Well let's has got a bit busy to say the least. First of all as you all know on June 21st, we had our second son, Levi. So, the last 5 weeks with Levi has been adjusting to all the ins and outs of a newborn (again) and having both of my sister-n-laws, their children, and my mother-n-law visit between that time. I must admit there hasn't been a lot of "schooling," and yet it is amazing what my oldest son, Logan, has learned at this time. We are still working on counting. My son's counting goes a bit like this,"1,2,3,5,6,7,10." But he's trying. He is also doing quiet well with learning opposites. My husband and I try to use big and small, soft or hard, those types of things whenever we can. Logan is smart as a tack and will pick up whatever you say to him (typically.) But this past month has been playing with cousinds and getting spoiled by Aunts and Grandma - I have started back to school - so that's another thing along with maintaining relationships and my house. It hasn't alway been perfect, but I try and know that the Lord is with me every step of the way!! I am going to try and create a better cirriculum and start a more regular schedule in August. So, come back and see what we're up too..


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting into the rythmn..

Being a new mother can be stressfull. I say new mother because with Logan getting ready to turn 3 next month, I must admit I am a bit rusty on the newborn phase. It has been a (mostly) smooth transition, however, as Levi is a good sport. He loves his swing so when he's not in Mommy or Daddy's arms, he's typically asleep in his swing. I don't remember Logan loving the swing this early on. He liked it more so around 4 or 5 months when he was starting to sit up and look around. Guess this proves my two boys are already different. "School," these days has consisted of reading and the v-tech laptop, maybe a little play with the shape blocks/box. And I have been very please to hear Logan counting actual things. It's mainly 1,2,3, but the fact that he's starting to recognize numbers within the world around him, is amazing to see. It simply amazing how much they pick up just by being with you and around others. I love it! Especially these days when my attention can no longer be 100% on him, Logan just warms me with these new things and how much he's growing. Today I am going to print some things out for Logan to do. Hopefully he'll enjoy it. I, myself, am back in school. The house I am happy to say is mostly clean. There are a few piles around, but I wouldn't be embarassed if someone stopped by. I have my list out and plan on taking care of several things today. My oldest sister in law and her boys are coming up from FL on Saturday. They're only staying until Monday morning when my SIL drops the boys off at their Grandma's house. She also lives in NC, so it's great that we'll get to see them because of that fact.

So, as you can see life is every changing and busy, but we love it.
I will post some pictures later.