Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Coming upon the end of Summer

August it is a great month. My oldest son Logan was born this month, my daugher Arianna was born this month, (God rest her soul) and of course school starts for us on the 15th, not that we've really stopped, but at this point learning letters, writing, and basic math doesn't really call for a break - especially when "school" lasts anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I am sure in time I will be more concerned about figuring out whether we're going to be year-roud or more like a typical school calender - another reason to love homeschooling - FLEXIBLE TIME FRAMES.

Having said all of that, we're finishing up Logan's last Kumon workbook, the Lowercase letters one. I had planned on doing no school yesterday since I have bible study, but amazingly we all got up and ready early enough to sit down at the dining room table and do some work. I wasn't planning on much and Logan pushed himself to do 8 pages. It was amazing, he just wanted to keep going so I let him. Well he made up for that gusto today as we only accomplished four today. I should mention it's one page, two sides - so I guess I am counting sides. He did do more Math today, again another positive to homeschool - me following his lead -- to a point. He has gotten a bit bossy telling me I am doing this or I am done, so we do need to work on manners, but he is moving along nicely.

August 15th is a Monday. I am looking forward to seeiing the what Logan and I accomplish this year. I cannot believe what he learned at 2 and now 3, so I know I will be saying the same as he turns five. He is just so eager to grow "big" as he says..although as Mom I am not sure how I feel about that!

Ahh well life goes on!

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