I miss our routine. My husband got back from deployment in early November and it's been chaotic with a trip and his whole month of leave. He returns to work Monday and we will then hopefully get back into our grove.
There were some financial issues, so I have decided to hold of buying the K curriculum that I listed. Instead I chose a cheaper route for the moment. I want to reinforce certain skills, so we're using Kumon workbooks until I can purchase the other books. I will post as we go along. Last week we did a Rhino Unit study, this week we are doing review. Then next week we will start the Kumon workbooks and read books on Giraffes. Logan is in love with animals, so zoology is a science.
I am sending "Daddy" and Logan to the library to get Giraffe books. The little one is napping and then I am going to attempt to get a workout in. We'll see how that goes. I need to get back to it...and also meal planning. I have my notebook out now..trying to get a list together for pay day. Having my husband home also means, more food in the house..I can say one thing, it sure is going to be fun one day trying to feed him and two teenagers..
No matter what I am blessed. Here's to the New Year, it's coming and I for one am ready for it!
Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ending the Year Out..
Well it is official. We're ending 2011.
2011 was a crazy year with my husband being deployed and just life in general. I learned so much about the relationship with God and am thankful my husband has return whole and his usual self.
Shortly after he came home in November he went back to work. It was so that he could take the whole month of December off. In the beginning of December we went to Daytona Beach, FL for a week - over my birthday and just for a family vacation. It was nice and relaxing. Now we're conintuing to enjoy leave at home in NC.
Logan is far enough that we're officially ending preschool and moving onto Kindergarten work starting in January. I haven't wanted to push him, but realized he is bored, so we will move on. We're waiting on some extra money from the Army, so until I am able to get the new curriculum, we're doing unit studies. Personally they are really fun to create for me to create. This week we are studying Rhinos because that's what Logan wanted. He went on a trip to the zoo with his Aunts & cousins and fell in love. We're creating a poster board instead of a lapbook - that's at his level. I will post a picture after we're done on Friday. We went to the library last Friday and got the books. Logan also loves the library and that makes this Mom happy as I am a big reader. Next week he said we wants to study Giraffes so we'll go to the library Friday and get those books before everything shuts down for Christmas. Then we'll do that the week of the 26th and go from there until I get the new materials. I am planning on ordering everything from CBD.com and realized with my list that we are truly an ecclectic homeschool family.
My goal for 2012 is to blog more regularly.
Besides that we're focusing on friends, our little family, and of course Jesus during this Christmas season. I wish each of you the best as we head into 2012!
Friday, September 2, 2011
The End of Week 3!
Well schooling Logan has been interesting. We were plugging along on the lesson plan I had created and then I started realizing that the workbook format alone wasn't working. While talking to my Mom she googled something and came up with this site internet4classrooms.com and it has proved invaluable. It has a ton of online resources for K-8 grade. So, I have added computer time to the mix and we're moving along much better now. I highly recommend this site - will take you to other sites, but it has been very helpful to us and so far everything has been FREE!
All is well, just busy with Logan's and my school.
Also still waiting "Daddy's" return!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Chugging Along..
It is Tuesday.
Today is Art day, meaning we work on our Art project and nothing else.
Okay, well I did have Logan do a cutting worksheet, but I feel cutting goes along with the whole art thing - as he had to cut stuff out to paste before he did the worksheet.
Anyway, things are going well. I feel that we're finding our grove. It can be overwhelming to try and figure out okay, this is working, add that or take this away, but we are getting there.
I am adding pictures of the art project. I decided we would do one piece a week and then at the end of the book we would have our complete art project.
Book G from Rod and Staff has a Polar theme and so everything that the books uses deals with like count the Seals, How many Polar bears are there, and so on.
So, I printed out polar pictures.
The first one was a boy making a snowman, I know a little off - but I figured show Logan what he can be doing in a couple of months here would be fun. Today was a Penguin, and let's just say my son had an interesting idea for the color of the penguins head.
Here's to Art day, letting the creative juices flow!
Friday, August 19, 2011
1 Week of School Complete!
Well I was up at 0500 today. It seems to be the only way I function well and get all that I need done. It is also why I am in bed by 2100 most nights too, but oh well - I have long since given up being cool. ha!
Anyway, so low and behold Logan wakes up at 0535, guess that proves he is my child. And spontaneously I asked if he wanted to do school and he said yes, so I went with it. Loganw as able to complete 6 workbook pages and two cutting worksheets. That means we're offically ahead by one day, so I will be taking Monday to review everything I noted needed to be worked on during this week.
So, I feel good about the way things are doing. Life is chugging along and soon we'll be in November and welcoming my husband home.
Here's to home educating!
Anyway, so low and behold Logan wakes up at 0535, guess that proves he is my child. And spontaneously I asked if he wanted to do school and he said yes, so I went with it. Loganw as able to complete 6 workbook pages and two cutting worksheets. That means we're offically ahead by one day, so I will be taking Monday to review everything I noted needed to be worked on during this week.
So, I feel good about the way things are doing. Life is chugging along and soon we'll be in November and welcoming my husband home.
Here's to home educating!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Somedays Are Better Than Others
Today is day four of the new "school" year. Day one started out so well, two was good, three, and four were a bit chaotic as I was interuppted by IMs' with my Husband. Can't exactly tell him we're doing school, don't wanna talk right now. Ahh the joys of being a military family dealing with deployments.
So, my son needs cutting practice. Decided along with the current workbook he is doing I will print out more cutting activties for him to do. It reminds me that while he excels at some things, he still needs work on others, and most improtantly he is four.
Remember to love them where they are at, that's the thought going through my head right now...don't wish 'em older, because they'll get there sooner than you'll like.
Monday, August 15, 2011
We Started
Boy have we been busy running around. Not to mention my oldest's son's birthday was Friday and we did a party with one other family. I made a giant cupcake rather than a cake, it was Cars 2 - the boy made out of course...but kids always do I suppose. He got $, toys and was able to get some toys with some of the money. He has a little ATM - so the rest went in there. It was a great week, and a great day, just busy.
Anyhow, today we started "school," back up. I call us ecclectic. I have basically created my own K4 program. It has some review, but I almost want to say that it is more Kindergarten as Rod & Staff combines a preschool & kindergarten program and Get Ready for the Code books, A,B,C - is phonics - but I am still calling it K4 - until I see how he does and if I need to add or take stuff away. But anyhow, he is very excited to be going and I am very excited to see how this year goes.
Well I have to go, I have chores and my own school work to accomplish,
but life is great!
Anyhow, today we started "school," back up. I call us ecclectic. I have basically created my own K4 program. It has some review, but I almost want to say that it is more Kindergarten as Rod & Staff combines a preschool & kindergarten program and Get Ready for the Code books, A,B,C - is phonics - but I am still calling it K4 - until I see how he does and if I need to add or take stuff away. But anyhow, he is very excited to be going and I am very excited to see how this year goes.
Well I have to go, I have chores and my own school work to accomplish,
but life is great!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Busy Busy Busy Bees!
We've been busy and running around lately. One thing I did was get the boys clothing ready for the Fall/Winter consignment sale. It's of course Fall/Winter clothing items and a few bigger things like a Boppy and a Baby Hawk Sling and some shoes. I really hope it sells. Full price would be great, but sell in general is just as great. I gotta print and tag it this week. Friday my baby, I mean my boy, Logan, turns 4 years old. That to me is insane! I feel like yesterday I was in the German hospital looking at my tiny (okay not so tiny) but little newborn boy and taking him in. Now he's a walking, talking goofy, fun-loving boy who has a baby brother. I guess that's just how it goes.
School is going slowly lately. It's okay, we'll finish the workbook this week and then start the new stuff next Monday. I try not to be pushy, but I also like things done.
Well here's to a new week, enjoy Everyone!
School is going slowly lately. It's okay, we'll finish the workbook this week and then start the new stuff next Monday. I try not to be pushy, but I also like things done.
Well here's to a new week, enjoy Everyone!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Looking Back
I was looking back at old drawings and work that I had done with Logan last year. He was 2/ 2 1/2 years old and it's amazing to look at that and what he has done this year. Time sure flies, that's all I know. In ten days Logan will be 4 years old. This is a fact I can hardly believe. I will be twenty-seven this year, my husband is thirty-one, and together we'll have a one year old and a four year old. It just feels odd to me. I love my children and for the most part watching them grow up is great for me. In rare occasion it is hard in the sense that I start missing little hands and baby toes. But as they say you raise them up to let them go. We will finish the last workbook on Monday the 8th and then start K4 the following Monday. As I have said before it is not a huge deal at this point for breaks since "school" isn't very long each day, but I look forward to pushing the envelope this year and seeing what he can do. I have a checklist I will look at throughout the year to make sure he is Kindergarten ready - but I have little doubt he will be. So, life is school for Logan, school for me, church, and life in general.
So, here's to remembering when..
So, here's to remembering when..
Friday, July 29, 2011
Lately things have just been going. I am at finals week, so I am just focused on my schooling. The house showed it and I am cleaning today. Logan is almost done with his last workbook. We should finish no later than August 6th and then get 9 days off before we start on the new "school" year August 15th. I almost cannot believe I am doing this. I never even heard of homeschool until I, myself, was in high school and I never thought I would do it with my own children, but so far I love. I am not niaeve, I know this is the easier part and I won't love doing it everyday, but I am committed to my children and their education. I thought about putting Logan in Fall soccer and basketball, but I think I am going to hold off until Spring. With Lance's homecoming right in the middle of the season I don't think it's really smart to be trying to do too many other things. He did love soccer this past Spring though. Anyhow, so life is just chugging along - still waiting to get the other computer fixed. Gotta have the funds to get it fixed. Something always seems to cost $, guess it's a fact of life.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Coming upon the end of Summer
August it is a great month. My oldest son Logan was born this month, my daugher Arianna was born this month, (God rest her soul) and of course school starts for us on the 15th, not that we've really stopped, but at this point learning letters, writing, and basic math doesn't really call for a break - especially when "school" lasts anywhere from 30-45 minutes. I am sure in time I will be more concerned about figuring out whether we're going to be year-roud or more like a typical school calender - another reason to love homeschooling - FLEXIBLE TIME FRAMES.
Having said all of that, we're finishing up Logan's last Kumon workbook, the Lowercase letters one. I had planned on doing no school yesterday since I have bible study, but amazingly we all got up and ready early enough to sit down at the dining room table and do some work. I wasn't planning on much and Logan pushed himself to do 8 pages. It was amazing, he just wanted to keep going so I let him. Well he made up for that gusto today as we only accomplished four today. I should mention it's one page, two sides - so I guess I am counting sides. He did do more Math today, again another positive to homeschool - me following his lead -- to a point. He has gotten a bit bossy telling me I am doing this or I am done, so we do need to work on manners, but he is moving along nicely.
August 15th is a Monday. I am looking forward to seeiing the what Logan and I accomplish this year. I cannot believe what he learned at 2 and now 3, so I know I will be saying the same as he turns five. He is just so eager to grow "big" as he says..although as Mom I am not sure how I feel about that!
Ahh well life goes on!
Having said all of that, we're finishing up Logan's last Kumon workbook, the Lowercase letters one. I had planned on doing no school yesterday since I have bible study, but amazingly we all got up and ready early enough to sit down at the dining room table and do some work. I wasn't planning on much and Logan pushed himself to do 8 pages. It was amazing, he just wanted to keep going so I let him. Well he made up for that gusto today as we only accomplished four today. I should mention it's one page, two sides - so I guess I am counting sides. He did do more Math today, again another positive to homeschool - me following his lead -- to a point. He has gotten a bit bossy telling me I am doing this or I am done, so we do need to work on manners, but he is moving along nicely.
August 15th is a Monday. I am looking forward to seeiing the what Logan and I accomplish this year. I cannot believe what he learned at 2 and now 3, so I know I will be saying the same as he turns five. He is just so eager to grow "big" as he says..although as Mom I am not sure how I feel about that!
Ahh well life goes on!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
What is up with Monday?
Mondays are typically so hard for this family. We seem a little more tired, drag a little more. I was surprised we got any "school" done yesterday including my own homework for class. I am sure the gray and rainy weather did not help. It was like pulling teeth to get Logan to do the little he did in his workbook. It was not like him at all. Today we go to PWOC (bible study) and then I have a few errands, so if we do any school it will be in the afternoon. I also have my final to work on at some point this week. It is just crazy. I am still trying to get my computer to my friend who said he would fix it. I can't add any pictures or do anything I normally can because the laptop I am on is pretty much an Internet and Microsoft Works computer only. I will be very happy when it is fixed. So, here we are chugging a long. Hopefully there will be a nicer post tomorrow.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Super Easy Salsa
My plans for dinner tonight are the crockpot Pineapple Chicken. I am excited about it. The picture looks fantastic. I will have fruit for dessert and so I was thinking of an appetizer I could serve that wouldn't stuff every one. So, of course I thought of chips and dip...but I wanted to do it healthier. So, here is a clean Salsa recipe I found. I taste tested it with Logan, and IT IS AWESOME!! I am very excited to be really cooking again, as always it's fun and YUMMY!
(From clean eating site)
4 plum tomatoes
1 onion (1/2 of it)
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbspn cilantro
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 lime (juiced)
*Put in process and mix well.* Can eat immediately or refridgerate.*
Makes 10 servings
*Also, you can use other substitutions, like I used minced garlic and cilantro paste according to the directions, as well as lime juice from a bottle. Still tasted awesome. I paired it with Tostitos Artisan Roasted Garlic and Black Bean chips.*
(From clean eating site)
4 plum tomatoes
1 onion (1/2 of it)
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbspn cilantro
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 lime (juiced)
*Put in process and mix well.* Can eat immediately or refridgerate.*
Makes 10 servings
*Also, you can use other substitutions, like I used minced garlic and cilantro paste according to the directions, as well as lime juice from a bottle. Still tasted awesome. I paired it with Tostitos Artisan Roasted Garlic and Black Bean chips.*
Thursday, July 21, 2011
And we move on..
Well R&R ended today. We dropped Lance/Daddy off at the airport early this morning. By 0800 I was back home. I think I have a 24 hr. bug or my sinuses are out of whack so I slept a lot today. I am a little down, but I'll get over it -- just hope it is quickly. I did school with Logan today. Lance had been doing it and more recently we couldn't find where he'd placed the alphabet book, so he was doing math with him. Well last night I found the Kumon workbook, so today we started our last book. It is fun watching Logan learn and I was glad for the distraction. He did mention missing Daddy once, but otherwise does not seem to be overly sad or concerned. I also showed him how his Daddy would be flying over the ocean back to his assignment on his blow up globe and he liked that. Then I got the questions of where was I born, Levi, you, and Daddy and the dogs - so I guess I can count that as History. Levi is well Levi and just enjoying being 13 months old. (Yes, today he's 13 months, that floors me!)Having company over tomorrow night. I figured that, that'd help to motivate me to finalize the organizing and cleaning I have after Lance's little interior painting project. I cannot wait to show pictures, but will have to due to the fact my good computer with memory is getting fixed. This is one I got at a pawn shop and I cannot add anything to it. Trust me, I have tried. Anyway, here's to moving on.
I am ready for November now, ha!
I am ready for November now, ha!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
School and a Good bye
My Husband seemed to misplace the Lowercase book when he took everything out to paint the interior of our house. I am not trying to be overly annoyed about it though. Instead he's been working with Logan on numbers. We're using Hooked on Math the same people who do Hooked on Phonics and it is a decent workbook. So, I need to add that to the side bar. My son seems to really relish Math which is good since I don't. Having said that his Father leaves tomorrow. As he goes we'll have 102 days to get through -- and I know we can with God's strength and lots of prayer. I have enjoyed the last two weeks and it was totally worth it. I am a tad concerned about Logan and his emotions, but I am not going to get upset or show him my feelings and we'll go with how he is and does. Anyway, I may not post tomorrow, but sometime this week I will post pictures and more about the upcoming new year.
Monday, July 18, 2011
I may have a new love...
The pawn shop of all places. Normally I am leary of pawn shops. I am married to an MP (Military police) and they typically are not in the best areas or on the best streets, but I took the plunge today because both of our laptops took dumps and I must have one for my school since everything I do, even attendance, is online. So, I stopped at one and found a really inexpensisve laptop. I also got a $20 TV - it was $50 but the owner lowered the price since he could not gaurentee the DVD player. It worked out because I did not want Logan to have cable or DVDs in his room - and this is going in the boys playroom so that Logan can use the Smartcycle bike we got him for Christmas. I am excited to see it in action later as it is educational. I still expect him to go outside and do boy things, but I am hoping this will only help with his mind and provide some exercise as well. Along with that TV I got my husband a TV as well for his sports room. He has been deployed, and on R&R has done house painting and so much more just because he wanted to. He's mentioned a bigger TV for awhile now, and well this is a 42" and was under half price -- we had a bit of extra money and so I bought it. We have been blessed with several luxuries -- God is so faithful and then some. Pictures of the house and more to come!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Seeing An End..
With Daddy's help We have finished the Uppercase Letter Kumon workbook. I know Logan felt good when I filled out that little award they have in the back. He is an easy child to praise. A high five or "award," fuels him well. So, that means we have 6 weeks to finish the Lowercase book and review. We have 1 week of R&R left, so I know Lance will help as he can and that it'll be slower until next Friday after he's gone. I am hoping Logan doesn't hurt too much. He is a Daddy's boy and loves him so -besides that we're planning our day trips, so it's going to be busy, busy, but in that fun way. This is a new way to say "summer-school," -- I sure love homeshcooling!
The key is to remember to always add a little fun in,
The key is to remember to always add a little fun in,
Saturday, July 9, 2011
It's Kinda Nice..
Well "Daddy" has been home for four days and it's kinda nice. I mean I love having my Husband home of course, but it's kinda nice having the "help" too. Especially with schooling. I love that I can say,"Hey would you do school this morning?" And they do it together. It gives me a little time to myself as they do that and my youngest eats his breakfast. We have until the 21st - time of course is seeming to go fast, but isn't that always how it goes? I am enjoying my class. It's five weeks long, so Monday we finish up week two, but it's actually exciting. Guess you're never too old to learn as they say. I love it. This afternoon we're heading up to Raleigh. We're going to the mall - just to look around and then at 5 p.m. - we are headed to a Cars 2 Party at the Marbles Kids Museum. My husband booked it for us. He really wanted to see Cars 2 with Logan, so he did this. It's food, crafts, and fun around the museum - then a showing of Cars 2. It'll be a late night, but it'll be worth it. We're on schedule with the two workbooks I want to finish by August. I am having a little trouble planning for next year. Logan is at the 4 year old stage for Phonics/Writing, but at the Kindergarten level for math. So, I am struggling with what do and use - so we'll see what I figure out.
Here's to the weekend, enjoy yours, we sure will enjoy ours!!
Here's to the weekend, enjoy yours, we sure will enjoy ours!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Another Day..

We still have no Daddy here. He is still on his way - tomorrow we hope. So, I am not really, really into the 4th of July at the moment. I am finalizing things around the house and trying to really get back into a routine. I took workbooks and the flashcards with us to Colorado, but near the end we took a break which turned into three weeks and it shows as my child is acting like he's forgot everything. I started back a little on Saturday and today we did regular time. We finished the last of the Rod & Staff preschool 3/4 workbooks and I feel that they were worth the money. I think it should be maybe 2/3, but what do I know. The one thing they did show me way Logan does have trouble writing anything with curves. We still have the Kumon Upper/Lowercase books to finish so I think that will help with that and we will be practice name and number (1-5) writing. Logan did not go to Camp Friday because they were swimming and with Camp, VBS, and everything in between he was wore out. I did not make him go -- anyhow, it starts back up tomorrow and now with all the chaos with Daddy trying to get home, I am glad I signed him up for this week even though my Husband was pretty upset with me. Logan needs stability -- glad he'll go there in the morning since I will be all over mentally. It's hard, so close and yet so far.
But God bless those who fought for our Independence and for those who fight today including Lance Logan King!!!
PS Photos are of the boys & the workbook we finished!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Birthday, Home, & Busy, Busy!!
Well haven't posted in awhile. We celebrated Levi's first birthday with family in Colorado. He had a great time eating cake and was all over it..or it was all over him depending on how you look at it. That was Saturday, then Wednesday we flew home to N.C. and then began the crazy week of Camp during the day and VBS at night and preparing for Daddy's R&R which until this point is still pending - yes we're waiting on him still! We had not done any school in three weeks and it shows, but I had Logan do a little last night. We really need to get back on that -- but there's still a lot of summer left for him..so I am not overly concerned. Just wishing there was time to do it all. Anyway, so that is about it around here, busy, busy.Pictures to come later as this site is acting crazy!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Been busy here!
We are gearing up to go home, so it seems like lately we've been doing more running around town. I will eventually have to prepare some flat rate boxes to ship home. I have had a good time here, but I must admit I am missing my home, my dogs, my, my, my. It is really hard to stay at another residence for a month. It's not that you're notn appriciative or thankful, but personally in my case I am ready for our routine and way of doing things...especially in regards to the kids. I know both of my sons have enjoying seeing my side of the family..
Today we will be having Levi's bday party. Three days early, but his birthday this year, again, is on a week day - so today it is. It should be a great time and I am excited to see what little man does with his cake. I think he'll shove his face in it or at least smack it around, but we'll see. Got pictures done for this day back on the 5th as well - just have to pick up the cd. I cannot wait to print some of them and hang them up - both boys are just too stinking cute and yes I am really way to bias to know otherwise.
I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow of the big day..and on Tuesday I will have a 1 year old again, man time flies!
Today we will be having Levi's bday party. Three days early, but his birthday this year, again, is on a week day - so today it is. It should be a great time and I am excited to see what little man does with his cake. I think he'll shove his face in it or at least smack it around, but we'll see. Got pictures done for this day back on the 5th as well - just have to pick up the cd. I cannot wait to print some of them and hang them up - both boys are just too stinking cute and yes I am really way to bias to know otherwise.
I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow of the big day..and on Tuesday I will have a 1 year old again, man time flies!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Zoo Day Yesterday, Again..
We had another Zoo class yesterday. It was our second one. Next Thursday is the last one. They are actually turning out to be lots of fun. I brought Levi along this time and he did well. Today's class was all about Hippos! Afterwards we ended up walking around the zoo, we didn't see everything as I wanted to leave a few things for next week, but we saw a lot. I love that the zoo is up the mountain. It is a unique experience! Logan had fun looking around and we fed his beloved Giraffes again. I think that's his new favorite animal...we'll see - next week we'll be learning about the lions!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Photoshop Baby!
I am so excited, I got Photoshop yesterday off of Amazon.com. Since I am a student, technically, I got to buy the Teacher/Student edition and it was only $199.99 for me! That is what I call a steal. My Husband told me to get it over two weeks ago, but I always hem-haw on buying things for myself. For whatever reason it is always easier for me to buy for my Husband and the children. It takes 5-8 days to arrive, wish it were coming to Colorado, but alas I have to wait until I get back home to get it. I know it's a complex program, at least I have been told that. So, I will probably end up buying Photoshop for dummies, but I am really excited to mess around with it. I hope I will be able to fix some of the awful pictures I took with my icky flip-camera. So, blessed I got steal of a deal on my professional Sony camera from my friends..otherwise I'd still be using that icky thing. I haven't told too many people other than my husband and a few others....but I am falling in love with photography and art in general again. I am seriously thinking about Art school after we move from NC, assuming of course we stay stateside, but I am also a little afraid to dream on this..it's a passion I set aside a long time ago!
Moving Along
I wrote this down in my notebook yesterday, but never got a chance to post it. I wanted to be able to post it with a picture, but my Mom had my camera in the trunk of her car. (As in I left it in the trunk.) So, anyhow, here's what I had to say yesterday.
We did our "school," this morning at about 0855. We or rather, Logan, pushed ahead with gusto. I do not and really cannot force this child to do anything as he wants to learn and is always ready to do something. We completed the third out of four Rod & Staff workbooks. We still have our Kumon workbook, our Flash Skills workbook, and the flashcards we are using..that's what I brought on vacation anyhow. I know Logan was happy he completed another workbook In our Kumon Uppercase book he simply worked on curved lines so we can move on towards letters like D, C, and P and what not. He is almost done with the book, after that we will review the letters, both orally and written and then we'll move on to Kumon's Lowercase book. I love this workbooks series for concepts. They are fantastic and I highly recommend them. For me there is nothing better than Logan smiling and giving me a high five as he learns things or knows the answer to the question I am asking. He loves his little classes at the zoo. We have one again this Thursday and next Thursday. As I wrote before last week was on Giraffes - I am secretly hoping one of the last two weeks is Monkies as those are Logan's favorite. We shall see I suppose. We have a little ove 2 wks. left in Colorado - it's been a good visit thus far with Memorial Day and both my Sister and Mother's birthdays'. I am party planning now for Levi's first birthday - it's penguin themed. Long story short, when he was younger his hair did that curl up top and made him look like a penguin so I started calling him Penguino (Spanish for peguin in case you didn't know.) and it stuck, so I figured it'd be a good and different first birthday theme. I found a great picture of the Madagascar movie penguins and will be using that and I'll probably bake Levi a small cake to mess with, not sure yet. It'll be fun no matter what. Then when we return home to N.C. we'll have 8 days to prepare the house and arrangment for my Husband's R&R trip hoome. It will be two weeks of pure joy for the boys, myself, and my husband - for part of it we will be at a beach house I snagged for free - I am so ready to be with my complete family on the beach!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sometimes It's Good to be Home..
I love Springs First Church of the Nazarene, there is so much history for me there. I have attended since 2002 (of course now when I am back in the Springs) met and married my husband there - just so much happened. So, it was good to go back today and see firmilar faces and share my boys with everyone. The message was good too, of course!
Then I took the boys and got pictures done from my friend here who has a business. She took us to a quaint park I hadn't been to before and got Levi's 1st birthday shots as well as some of the boys together, me with each of them separately and together - it was cute.
Then tonight was bible study. I took both boys with me and it was pretty amazing how well they acted. I am always pretty impressed with how they are in public. Guess they're just used to it by now with Lance deployed and all.
I am looking forward to a new week! Here's to time passing, soon we'll be enjoying R&R with Daddy (Hubby) at the beach!
Then I took the boys and got pictures done from my friend here who has a business. She took us to a quaint park I hadn't been to before and got Levi's 1st birthday shots as well as some of the boys together, me with each of them separately and together - it was cute.
Then tonight was bible study. I took both boys with me and it was pretty amazing how well they acted. I am always pretty impressed with how they are in public. Guess they're just used to it by now with Lance deployed and all.
I am looking forward to a new week! Here's to time passing, soon we'll be enjoying R&R with Daddy (Hubby) at the beach!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Yesterday at the Zoo..
So, yesterday's little class at the zoo was pretty neat. There was coloring, story time, a science experiment...and the animal of the day was the Giraffe. Logan's favorite part was when we actually went and fed the live Giraffes. It was so cute to see him give the various Giraffes their Giraffe crackers and be so curious about them.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Seriously, Again
So, it's Thursday and time for "Seriously," a segment off of my friend's blog. So, here it is:
1. Seriously, it is really hard to let go of the past sometimes as it always seems to come up, like say when you're on vacation back home.
2. Seriously, just wondering why change has to be so hard. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be different and automatically do different!
3. Seriously, I am surprising Logan with his Zoo class this morning. Basically I take Logan to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and he does a little "Animal Tale" class for an hour. I will of course be there to get pictures, I am sure he'll love it.
4. Seriously, in 19 days I will have a 1 year old. That's right my baby boy will be 1, I don't remember saying that was okay and to boot in another 9 weeks my oldest will be 4 years old, not sure if I should laugh or cry.
5. Seriously, I am so ready for R&R so I can see my Husband - it is really hard not having your everything near by. I am ready for hand-holding, simple conversations, anything - it's just two weeks, but I am so ready for it!
6. Seriously, I need to get back to good eating & working out again, enough said.
1. Seriously, it is really hard to let go of the past sometimes as it always seems to come up, like say when you're on vacation back home.
2. Seriously, just wondering why change has to be so hard. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be different and automatically do different!
3. Seriously, I am surprising Logan with his Zoo class this morning. Basically I take Logan to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and he does a little "Animal Tale" class for an hour. I will of course be there to get pictures, I am sure he'll love it.
4. Seriously, in 19 days I will have a 1 year old. That's right my baby boy will be 1, I don't remember saying that was okay and to boot in another 9 weeks my oldest will be 4 years old, not sure if I should laugh or cry.
5. Seriously, I am so ready for R&R so I can see my Husband - it is really hard not having your everything near by. I am ready for hand-holding, simple conversations, anything - it's just two weeks, but I am so ready for it!
6. Seriously, I need to get back to good eating & working out again, enough said.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Here in Colorado..
So, we are here in Colorado - I did not realize how much I missed it until I saw the mountains and just thought about the last time I lived here. This is where I met my Husband, this is where we got married, and started our journey. My Mom is from here and so here entire family is here. I forgot how stressfull it can be to come back home and it's been pretty crazy so far. Let's see - we arrived on Tuesday, both boys did great. Levi was especially fantastic for it being his first flight(s.) But on the way home from Denver he got sick, we thought it was a 48 hour bug, but he's still having issues and two of my family memebers think it's a bladder infection. I won't know until I can take him in Monday. Right now we're just pumpig him with meds for the low grade fever he has and fluids. This boy is never sick and so watching him suffer is hard on me, but he's a trooper I must say. We've been able to do school a few days this past week. Logan is always about some school work, he doesn't give up easily and he really want to work on his letters. I am so proud of his writing, it's constanty amazing how fast he picks it up. I am very glad we brought some of his books with us.
Today my Dad is doing a good ol' BBQ at the house. I am going to church (it's nice when you have one established while on vacation.) It will be exciting to see my Pastor and old friends; people who will actually be glad to see you and catch up. Then I will come home in time for the bbq, I am hoping it is warm out. Lately i's been cool and super windy..
Anyhow, here's a picture of my Dad with the boys. Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend and remember the real reason for the day..remembering those who gave their lives and those who are fighting now for our freedom.
Blessings, Ash
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday: It is almost here...

Our vacation that is. We leave tomorrow to see my family in Colorado. My Parents and sister are excited to see the boys - I wish it was me, but let's face it, we all know after you have children it is not about you any more and this is no exception. It is okay, in a way, I love showing my children off if you will. They are pretty good children and make me proud. Only my Mom has met my youngest, Levi, so it'll be interesting to see what Levi thinks of my Dad, Sister, and the rest of my Mom's side of the family that lives there. I am ready for new scenery and some time to myself at various points through this vacation. Today is pack and clean day. True to my nature I have my lists going. I have one with everything I need to pack and will start one of what I need to clean and stuff. I have a friend from Church coming to watch my house and the dogs, it helps her and myself out, so it's a win-win situation. I feel that motherly sadness about leaving the dogs for a whole month. They after all are my babies and my oldest dog, Kahlua, was around before we had children..so you know. Well, I guess I'd better get to it then. Our flight leaves Fayetteville around 0700 and with the time difference it will be 1100 when we get in. To save money we're flying into Denver - so after that it'll be an hour home, luckily the kids do well in the car...so here's to pending v-day! I am so READY!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thursday: That day that just hangs there during the week..
Okay, so I had a little fun with the last post. It was a shout out to a site I follow - she does that and asked us to do it as well, so I did it. I lost all the motivation I had to day. I have laundry and floors to steam mop. I will get them done, err, eventually. It is nice and sunny out. I think I am going to take the boys outside in a few so we can all get vitimin D from the sun, then maybe I can get my camera out and upload the pictures I took. I said the same thing yesterday, but it gets tricky since the camera is with me all the time now so I can take photos. I do have one cute one I can post of the boys - my youngest didn't want to look up at me, but I finally got a decent enough shot - it's out back in our swing set. Life really is just chugging along and we're doing more school. Logan told me his favorite part of school right now is learning to write his letters. I really recommend any of the Kumon books for learning. This one is called the Uppercase Letters and is recommended for ages 3,4,& 5 - and so far it is fantastic. It teaches them not only what the letters are, but how they are to be written and honestly it is so second nature to me, when I was showing him how to do it - I had forgotten some of the steps. And he can already say back the stroke order from the two letters from today, so I am very impressed! But here's to a sunny day in NC!!
1. Seriously....why is it time goes by really fast and then when you're excited for a specific day, say like May 24th so you and the kids can be on a plane flying home to see family, does time then drag like never before?
2. Seriously....I hate flies, the warmer it gets here the more that find their way into my house. I guess I need a bug zapper, but are you sure there is no other way to kill them??
3. Seriously.... my children wake up crying. Why wake up to cry? I get it if someone wakes you and you were not ready to be up, but like I don't do that. I understand it more from the almost 11 month old - but really the almost 4 year old? Truth be told, my husband and others from his family will tell you the don't wake up well, but it's not a great thing to hear the crying several times a day.
4. Seriously.... I'm so in love with my husband. You think you're in love the moment you say "I-do," but i am seriously more in love with him seven years later than I was on our wedding day. I had no idea our relationship would ever be here!
5. Seriously.... deployments stink, but I am an Army wife and while they never get easier, I am realizing what I really can do and accomplish on my own and how much faith my Husband truly has in me and my ablities.
6. Seriously.... I love my sons and love that we are blessed with the opportunity for me to stay home and raise them.
7. Seriously.... I am day dreaming about my Husband's R&R and our trip to a friend's beach house they're letting us stay at for free. I can hear the waves now, can you?
8. Seriously.... I looking forward to seeing Colorado and having all the plans I do. I am thinkin' the trip to the Wolf Reserve is going to be awesome!
9. Seriously... I love cheese. (Enough said.)
10. Seriously.... what I really want to do is get another degree, this time in Fine Arts..just an Associates. Ha!
2. Seriously....I hate flies, the warmer it gets here the more that find their way into my house. I guess I need a bug zapper, but are you sure there is no other way to kill them??
3. Seriously.... my children wake up crying. Why wake up to cry? I get it if someone wakes you and you were not ready to be up, but like I don't do that. I understand it more from the almost 11 month old - but really the almost 4 year old? Truth be told, my husband and others from his family will tell you the don't wake up well, but it's not a great thing to hear the crying several times a day.
4. Seriously.... I'm so in love with my husband. You think you're in love the moment you say "I-do," but i am seriously more in love with him seven years later than I was on our wedding day. I had no idea our relationship would ever be here!
5. Seriously.... deployments stink, but I am an Army wife and while they never get easier, I am realizing what I really can do and accomplish on my own and how much faith my Husband truly has in me and my ablities.
6. Seriously.... I love my sons and love that we are blessed with the opportunity for me to stay home and raise them.
7. Seriously.... I am day dreaming about my Husband's R&R and our trip to a friend's beach house they're letting us stay at for free. I can hear the waves now, can you?
8. Seriously.... I looking forward to seeing Colorado and having all the plans I do. I am thinkin' the trip to the Wolf Reserve is going to be awesome!
9. Seriously... I love cheese. (Enough said.)
10. Seriously.... what I really want to do is get another degree, this time in Fine Arts..just an Associates. Ha!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
You know I don't try to keep up with daily drama but anyone who turns on the TV at any point has heard about the divorce and now troubles between Arnold S. and Maria, his wife. You know it's one thing to have troubles, but I was surprised somewhat about this whole situation and then I thought about Hollywood and these couples people galmorize - it is really sad to me that so many couples are getting divorces, it seems the people who do these negative things do not realize how much they're going to affect others. No wonder people do not want to get married. I am not saying that attitude is right, but really? For better or worse, my Husband and I know what that means, but even more than that God is our center and is the only reason he and I have made it this far. He will continue to be the only reason we're able to do anything as individuals or as a couple. I am praying for marriage and the attack on it and I hope you will too!
Wednesday: Middle of the week..
It is the middle of the week and we're chugging along on Logan's workbooks. He has finished two and I have several more to work on now and then summer. I think I have decided on curriculum for this coming year. I need to buy it and then plan it out. The good basics are there, but I want to add somethings to make sure it's well-rounded. That is what I love about homeschool - you take what is standard and add what you need to - to make it fullfilling to your student (child.) I love that I have the say in my child's education and that we can go at his pace. He loves doing "school," as he says...and I am really hoping it stays that way. Levi, is well cute as a button - he is a little lagging in language, but in everything else is doing what the average ten month, almost eleven month old is doing. I have a feeling his is just going to continue being a spitfire child and maybe my more challenging one. We'll see and I know both he and Logan will have their moments.
My camera is in my trunk, got a cute picture of Logan at the park yesterday playing with another, older boy. He likes hanging out with the older boys and it was fun to let him play at the park while I chatted with a friend and her son. Time has been going fast, but as you know the closer you get to something you want, like say me and our vacation home to see family in 6 days, the slower time seems to go..and that's what it feels like today. That's about it for today.
We have Church tonight and then are just preparing for the trip. Friday and Saturday are busy, on Monday I had no plans and in two days Saturday is the fullest day we'll have in a long time..I try to never run us around and around, but it's graduation season, so we got invited to a party, we're doing pottery before that with friends, and then in the evening we're having dinner with a family that is leaving for a new duty station - we get back a week before they leave so that stinks..but such is the military life.
So, here's to God's many blessings! I sure have loads to be thankful for. Will post pictures tomorrow. ~ Ash
My camera is in my trunk, got a cute picture of Logan at the park yesterday playing with another, older boy. He likes hanging out with the older boys and it was fun to let him play at the park while I chatted with a friend and her son. Time has been going fast, but as you know the closer you get to something you want, like say me and our vacation home to see family in 6 days, the slower time seems to go..and that's what it feels like today. That's about it for today.
We have Church tonight and then are just preparing for the trip. Friday and Saturday are busy, on Monday I had no plans and in two days Saturday is the fullest day we'll have in a long time..I try to never run us around and around, but it's graduation season, so we got invited to a party, we're doing pottery before that with friends, and then in the evening we're having dinner with a family that is leaving for a new duty station - we get back a week before they leave so that stinks..but such is the military life.
So, here's to God's many blessings! I sure have loads to be thankful for. Will post pictures tomorrow. ~ Ash
Saturday, May 14, 2011
6 Months in one Post...
So, I haven't been posting obviously since shortly after my husband deployed. Well we have been doing school still, running around town and you know living life out! Praise God this deployment is going fast and we're already over the 6 month mark as of May 6th. My Husband will be home for his two week R&R in July at the 7 1/2 month mark - so that is good, means less time to wait on his official return. God blessed me with this new and very professional camera, so now I wont be so ashamed to share my photos with everyone. Here is one of the school work Logan has been doing. Besides workbooks he have a Leap Frog Letter factory he watches daily and of course hands on activities. The baby, Levi, who in some of the last pictures you saw was tiny. He is still on the smaller side, but is long and now almost 11 month months. I can hardly beleive it some days and have to keep myself from getting teary - I cannot believe that I will have a 4 year old and a 1 year old soon, serious - where does time go? Also included a picture of the boys. ~ Blessings, Ash
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