Well it is official. We're ending 2011.
2011 was a crazy year with my husband being deployed and just life in general. I learned so much about the relationship with God and am thankful my husband has return whole and his usual self.
Shortly after he came home in November he went back to work. It was so that he could take the whole month of December off. In the beginning of December we went to Daytona Beach, FL for a week - over my birthday and just for a family vacation. It was nice and relaxing. Now we're conintuing to enjoy leave at home in NC.
Logan is far enough that we're officially ending preschool and moving onto Kindergarten work starting in January. I haven't wanted to push him, but realized he is bored, so we will move on. We're waiting on some extra money from the Army, so until I am able to get the new curriculum, we're doing unit studies. Personally they are really fun to create for me to create. This week we are studying Rhinos because that's what Logan wanted. He went on a trip to the zoo with his Aunts & cousins and fell in love. We're creating a poster board instead of a lapbook - that's at his level. I will post a picture after we're done on Friday. We went to the library last Friday and got the books. Logan also loves the library and that makes this Mom happy as I am a big reader. Next week he said we wants to study Giraffes so we'll go to the library Friday and get those books before everything shuts down for Christmas. Then we'll do that the week of the 26th and go from there until I get the new materials. I am planning on ordering everything from CBD.com and realized with my list that we are truly an ecclectic homeschool family.
My goal for 2012 is to blog more regularly.
Besides that we're focusing on friends, our little family, and of course Jesus during this Christmas season. I wish each of you the best as we head into 2012!
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