Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photoshop Baby!

I am so excited, I got Photoshop yesterday off of Since I am a student, technically, I got to buy the Teacher/Student edition and it was only $199.99 for me! That is what I call a steal. My Husband told me to get it over two weeks ago, but I always hem-haw on buying things for myself. For whatever reason it is always easier for me to buy for my Husband and the children. It takes 5-8 days to arrive, wish it were coming to Colorado, but alas I have to wait until I get back home to get it. I know it's a complex program, at least I have been told that. So, I will probably end up buying Photoshop for dummies, but I am really excited to mess around with it. I hope I will be able to fix some of the awful pictures I took with my icky flip-camera. So, blessed I got steal of a deal on my professional Sony camera from my friends..otherwise I'd still be using that icky thing. I haven't told too many people other than my husband and a few others....but I am falling in love with photography and art in general again. I am seriously thinking about Art school after we move from NC, assuming of course we stay stateside, but I am also a little afraid to dream on's a passion I set aside a long time ago!

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