I wrote this down in my notebook yesterday, but never got a chance to post it. I wanted to be able to post it with a picture, but my Mom had my camera in the trunk of her car. (As in I left it in the trunk.) So, anyhow, here's what I had to say yesterday.
We did our "school," this morning at about 0855. We or rather, Logan, pushed ahead with gusto. I do not and really cannot force this child to do anything as he wants to learn and is always ready to do something. We completed the third out of four Rod & Staff workbooks. We still have our Kumon workbook, our Flash Skills workbook, and the flashcards we are using..that's what I brought on vacation anyhow. I know Logan was happy he completed another workbook In our Kumon Uppercase book he simply worked on curved lines so we can move on towards letters like D, C, and P and what not. He is almost done with the book, after that we will review the letters, both orally and written and then we'll move on to Kumon's Lowercase book. I love this workbooks series for concepts. They are fantastic and I highly recommend them. For me there is nothing better than Logan smiling and giving me a high five as he learns things or knows the answer to the question I am asking. He loves his little classes at the zoo. We have one again this Thursday and next Thursday. As I wrote before last week was on Giraffes - I am secretly hoping one of the last two weeks is Monkies as those are Logan's favorite. We shall see I suppose. We have a little ove 2 wks. left in Colorado - it's been a good visit thus far with Memorial Day and both my Sister and Mother's birthdays'. I am party planning now for Levi's first birthday - it's penguin themed. Long story short, when he was younger his hair did that curl up top and made him look like a penguin so I started calling him Penguino (Spanish for peguin in case you didn't know.) and it stuck, so I figured it'd be a good and different first birthday theme. I found a great picture of the Madagascar movie penguins and will be using that and I'll probably bake Levi a small cake to mess with, not sure yet. It'll be fun no matter what. Then when we return home to N.C. we'll have 8 days to prepare the house and arrangment for my Husband's R&R trip hoome. It will be two weeks of pure joy for the boys, myself, and my husband - for part of it we will be at a beach house I snagged for free - I am so ready to be with my complete family on the beach!
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