We are gearing up to go home, so it seems like lately we've been doing more running around town. I will eventually have to prepare some flat rate boxes to ship home. I have had a good time here, but I must admit I am missing my home, my dogs, my, my, my. It is really hard to stay at another residence for a month. It's not that you're notn appriciative or thankful, but personally in my case I am ready for our routine and way of doing things...especially in regards to the kids. I know both of my sons have enjoying seeing my side of the family..
Today we will be having Levi's bday party. Three days early, but his birthday this year, again, is on a week day - so today it is. It should be a great time and I am excited to see what little man does with his cake. I think he'll shove his face in it or at least smack it around, but we'll see. Got pictures done for this day back on the 5th as well - just have to pick up the cd. I cannot wait to print some of them and hang them up - both boys are just too stinking cute and yes I am really way to bias to know otherwise.
I will post pictures either tonight or tomorrow of the big day..and on Tuesday I will have a 1 year old again, man time flies!
Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." (NIV)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Zoo Day Yesterday, Again..
We had another Zoo class yesterday. It was our second one. Next Thursday is the last one. They are actually turning out to be lots of fun. I brought Levi along this time and he did well. Today's class was all about Hippos! Afterwards we ended up walking around the zoo, we didn't see everything as I wanted to leave a few things for next week, but we saw a lot. I love that the zoo is up the mountain. It is a unique experience! Logan had fun looking around and we fed his beloved Giraffes again. I think that's his new favorite animal...we'll see - next week we'll be learning about the lions!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Photoshop Baby!
I am so excited, I got Photoshop yesterday off of Amazon.com. Since I am a student, technically, I got to buy the Teacher/Student edition and it was only $199.99 for me! That is what I call a steal. My Husband told me to get it over two weeks ago, but I always hem-haw on buying things for myself. For whatever reason it is always easier for me to buy for my Husband and the children. It takes 5-8 days to arrive, wish it were coming to Colorado, but alas I have to wait until I get back home to get it. I know it's a complex program, at least I have been told that. So, I will probably end up buying Photoshop for dummies, but I am really excited to mess around with it. I hope I will be able to fix some of the awful pictures I took with my icky flip-camera. So, blessed I got steal of a deal on my professional Sony camera from my friends..otherwise I'd still be using that icky thing. I haven't told too many people other than my husband and a few others....but I am falling in love with photography and art in general again. I am seriously thinking about Art school after we move from NC, assuming of course we stay stateside, but I am also a little afraid to dream on this..it's a passion I set aside a long time ago!
Moving Along
I wrote this down in my notebook yesterday, but never got a chance to post it. I wanted to be able to post it with a picture, but my Mom had my camera in the trunk of her car. (As in I left it in the trunk.) So, anyhow, here's what I had to say yesterday.
We did our "school," this morning at about 0855. We or rather, Logan, pushed ahead with gusto. I do not and really cannot force this child to do anything as he wants to learn and is always ready to do something. We completed the third out of four Rod & Staff workbooks. We still have our Kumon workbook, our Flash Skills workbook, and the flashcards we are using..that's what I brought on vacation anyhow. I know Logan was happy he completed another workbook In our Kumon Uppercase book he simply worked on curved lines so we can move on towards letters like D, C, and P and what not. He is almost done with the book, after that we will review the letters, both orally and written and then we'll move on to Kumon's Lowercase book. I love this workbooks series for concepts. They are fantastic and I highly recommend them. For me there is nothing better than Logan smiling and giving me a high five as he learns things or knows the answer to the question I am asking. He loves his little classes at the zoo. We have one again this Thursday and next Thursday. As I wrote before last week was on Giraffes - I am secretly hoping one of the last two weeks is Monkies as those are Logan's favorite. We shall see I suppose. We have a little ove 2 wks. left in Colorado - it's been a good visit thus far with Memorial Day and both my Sister and Mother's birthdays'. I am party planning now for Levi's first birthday - it's penguin themed. Long story short, when he was younger his hair did that curl up top and made him look like a penguin so I started calling him Penguino (Spanish for peguin in case you didn't know.) and it stuck, so I figured it'd be a good and different first birthday theme. I found a great picture of the Madagascar movie penguins and will be using that and I'll probably bake Levi a small cake to mess with, not sure yet. It'll be fun no matter what. Then when we return home to N.C. we'll have 8 days to prepare the house and arrangment for my Husband's R&R trip hoome. It will be two weeks of pure joy for the boys, myself, and my husband - for part of it we will be at a beach house I snagged for free - I am so ready to be with my complete family on the beach!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sometimes It's Good to be Home..
I love Springs First Church of the Nazarene, there is so much history for me there. I have attended since 2002 (of course now when I am back in the Springs) met and married my husband there - just so much happened. So, it was good to go back today and see firmilar faces and share my boys with everyone. The message was good too, of course!
Then I took the boys and got pictures done from my friend here who has a business. She took us to a quaint park I hadn't been to before and got Levi's 1st birthday shots as well as some of the boys together, me with each of them separately and together - it was cute.
Then tonight was bible study. I took both boys with me and it was pretty amazing how well they acted. I am always pretty impressed with how they are in public. Guess they're just used to it by now with Lance deployed and all.
I am looking forward to a new week! Here's to time passing, soon we'll be enjoying R&R with Daddy (Hubby) at the beach!
Then I took the boys and got pictures done from my friend here who has a business. She took us to a quaint park I hadn't been to before and got Levi's 1st birthday shots as well as some of the boys together, me with each of them separately and together - it was cute.
Then tonight was bible study. I took both boys with me and it was pretty amazing how well they acted. I am always pretty impressed with how they are in public. Guess they're just used to it by now with Lance deployed and all.
I am looking forward to a new week! Here's to time passing, soon we'll be enjoying R&R with Daddy (Hubby) at the beach!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Yesterday at the Zoo..
So, yesterday's little class at the zoo was pretty neat. There was coloring, story time, a science experiment...and the animal of the day was the Giraffe. Logan's favorite part was when we actually went and fed the live Giraffes. It was so cute to see him give the various Giraffes their Giraffe crackers and be so curious about them.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Seriously, Again
So, it's Thursday and time for "Seriously," a segment off of my friend's blog. So, here it is:
1. Seriously, it is really hard to let go of the past sometimes as it always seems to come up, like say when you're on vacation back home.
2. Seriously, just wondering why change has to be so hard. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be different and automatically do different!
3. Seriously, I am surprising Logan with his Zoo class this morning. Basically I take Logan to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and he does a little "Animal Tale" class for an hour. I will of course be there to get pictures, I am sure he'll love it.
4. Seriously, in 19 days I will have a 1 year old. That's right my baby boy will be 1, I don't remember saying that was okay and to boot in another 9 weeks my oldest will be 4 years old, not sure if I should laugh or cry.
5. Seriously, I am so ready for R&R so I can see my Husband - it is really hard not having your everything near by. I am ready for hand-holding, simple conversations, anything - it's just two weeks, but I am so ready for it!
6. Seriously, I need to get back to good eating & working out again, enough said.
1. Seriously, it is really hard to let go of the past sometimes as it always seems to come up, like say when you're on vacation back home.
2. Seriously, just wondering why change has to be so hard. I wish I could just snap my fingers and be different and automatically do different!
3. Seriously, I am surprising Logan with his Zoo class this morning. Basically I take Logan to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and he does a little "Animal Tale" class for an hour. I will of course be there to get pictures, I am sure he'll love it.
4. Seriously, in 19 days I will have a 1 year old. That's right my baby boy will be 1, I don't remember saying that was okay and to boot in another 9 weeks my oldest will be 4 years old, not sure if I should laugh or cry.
5. Seriously, I am so ready for R&R so I can see my Husband - it is really hard not having your everything near by. I am ready for hand-holding, simple conversations, anything - it's just two weeks, but I am so ready for it!
6. Seriously, I need to get back to good eating & working out again, enough said.
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