Thankfully our plans for today were canceled. I suppose the Lord saw I would have a rough night, sleep wise, and so today we're at home! Some people, and there are some in my extended family, that think small children cannot be held accountable for their behavior. After all, they are too small to know what they're doing. Right? Wrong. While I believe an 18 month old does not comprehend things a 10 year old can, I still believe that a small child does know right an wrong. For example when you tell a small child not to touch something and they look at you as they do it again, that is them knowingly disobeying. Anyhow, this is not so much a blog on discipline, but rather the fact that I created a chart for my son for chores and attitudes. Lately his Father and I have seen some bad behavior and I know in my heart we must start "child-training," now. We already were teaching manners and what not, but I believe this chart will help my husband and I be even clearer in our mission and our son will have consequences for his actions (i.e. not getting extras.) Here is what our chart looks like. It's only partly done asI typed out the rules. I will be hanging them next to a sticker chart. I also have to discuss the rules with my husband and make sure we are on the same page with consequences and what not.
Logan’s Do’s and Beatitudes
• Pick up toys and books, put them away.
• Throw pull-up away when asked.
• Help Mommy with the clothes when she asks.
• Listening to directions.
• Hearing and doing what Daddy & Mommy ask.
• Help Daddy feed the dogs.
• No whining, rather talking to Daddy & Mommy.
• Put “Logan’s” dishes in the sink.
• Brushing teeth.
• Put shoes on shoe rack.
• Wash or sanitize hands.
• Speaking nice to others.
I just felt led to post this and share my thoughts. I am very concerned about raising a son, soon to be sons who are respectful not only to their parents, but to God and all authority. I start to say it is shocking to me how quickly children learn bad, defiant behaviors, and then I realize we've all fallen and therefore need a savior. Blessings upon you all!
Yes, it's hard for me to stick with things some times. I am not a single mom exactly, but as a military spouse sometimes I am with deployments or weird schedules, and sometimes I just want to say whatever you want so it's easy and I know that's wrong. My son actually lost two items to the garage last night - it was hard to watch him be upset as he put them out there, but I know in the end it's for everyone's good.
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