(Picture credit: Designaward.wordpress.com)
Now, I know it may seem like cleaning is on my brain more than anything else in this blog and maybe it has been. But it just amazes me how I Spring cleaned everything and yet, my Master bedroom is back to looking like a landfill, not one with trash and dirty diapers mind you - no the one with random movies, books, and things it in. So, I was hunting for a strategy to help me with this problem and came across this article I thought I would share. This week has been odd with my husband being off during what is typically the regular work week and is beginning tonight to work night shift on Tuesday. I hoping Tuesday to get back to our normal schedule and do some more "schooling," before everything learned it forgotten.
How To Cleanup Bedrooms In 15 Minutes - By Sarah Aguirre, About.com Guide
*Your bedroom is supposed to be your sanctuary, a place where you lie down at the end of the day and let your worries drift away. Instead, our rooms turn into storage areas where we dare not let anyone enter. Learn a quick cleanup for your room that will let you find the bed and the floor.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 15 Minutes
Here's How:
1. Grab your supplies. Few of us have supplies to clean the bedroom actually stored in our bedroom. Gathering all supplies together before beginning the job will keep you from getting distracted and failing to complete the job.
2. Grab all dirty clothing and put it in a hamper. Since you're in a hurry, don't worry about unrolling socks, and pulling shirts right side out. These tasks are easier to do while sorting the laundry. Just grab all of the dirty clothes and place them in the hamper.
3. Grab all clean clothes and refold or re-hang. If you have a significant amount of clean clothing lying around waiting to be folded and hung, skip this step and place the clean clothing semi-neatly on your bed after you complete Step 5. You can hold your bed hostage and remind yourself to take a few minutes to put away the clothing before bed.
4. Grab all trash and put in the trashcan. This is not the time to determine if you're ready to trash old copies of magazines, or that pair of shoes you've needed repaired for two years. We're throwing away obvious trash, not sorting through boxes and closets. Save the major trash sweep for when you have more time.
5. Make the bed. Yes, I know there is a major debate about whether or not to make the bed. You are just going to get back into it in a few hours. But if we used that argument for other areas of our home, we would never have clean floors, dishes, or laundry. Why wash something when it's just going to get used again? Making the bed changes the look of a room. It makes a room more inviting and uncluttered looking.
6. Pickup all the misplaced items on the floor, bed, desk, etc. Put them in a basket, box, or bag. These are items that belong in another room in the house. Don't try to take them back one at a time. Just put them all in one location for now and move on.
7. Straighten surfaces. If it has been a long time since you have cleaned in here, you may have large accumulations of your stuff that belongs in your room but is not in its proper place. Take a brief survey of this "stuff". If in a minute or less you can put it all away, do so. If not place it all in a container so that you can go through it and organize it later.
8. Sweep and mop or vacuum. Don't move furniture to sweep or vacuum. Just do a quick run through.
9. Put away your supplies. Allow yourself to reflect on how much nicer this briefly cleaned room is. If you keep up this regime regularly on your room, you'll always be able to find your bed. And isn't that what we all want.
1. If you have a few minutes left over after vacuuming, grab the baskets and place the items in it in their proper areas. 2. Do not let yourself leave the miscellaneous baskets unattended for too long. The contents will pile up, spill over, and lead to more mess. If you do not have time now to sort through them, take another fifteen minutes sometime in the next day to do so. 3. Make sure you remembered the clean clothes. If there were too many to fold and put away, are the neatly waiting on your made bed?
What You Need:
• A basket, bag, or box to put clutter items. A vacuum cleaner or broom. A hamper. A trash container.